Friday, March 12, 2010

Date Night

So, tomorrow we're going snow tubing with the teens (woo-hoo?) and Parker will be staying the day with his Nana & Papa. Since we've got to get up and going with the teens early, Parker is spending the night tonight too, so I don't have to try and get him out the door.
Brent & I took advantage of a baby-free evening and went out for dinner & a movie! (Los Compadres followed by The Green Zone in case you're wondering.) As we went into the movie we realized we were the youngest ones in the theater by a good 30 years. And when we left the movie, we were the oldest ones in the lobby by a good 10 years. Apparently our parents and jr. highers are the only ones who see movies in this town. But we had alot of fun! (In spite of the guy who laughed at inappropriate times. It's a war movie, there's not alot of slapstick sir...)

And to conclude our glamorous night on the town, we went to Wal Mart. What date night would be complete without a trip to Wal Mart? We only got one thing there, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited about it....

Me: "Look Brent, a new Wiggles!!!" Brent: "Oh yep, let's get it. I feel like you might be too excited about this." Me: haha oh yeah... gasp! it's 2010 it is new!!!!

Stay tuned for the chronicles of indoor-girl's - outdoor snow excursion tomorrow!


Melissa said...

Hooray for date night!!

Mom said...

Date nights are great. Dinner and a movie --so nice to eat a warm meal and converse on a somewhat adult level. The thrill of a new Wiggles -- truely we all understand. Welcome to parenthood!

Unknown said...

I totally understand your excitement! Mason watches them on Netflix and they only have 2 on the instant watch! One of them is super weird!

Claire said...

That's all we had until now too. I think there is a bunch on Netflix instant now though. Which one do you think is super weird? Is it the space "animated" one? That one is weird.

This new circus one is ok. It kinda seems like they all learned some new tricks and just made up songs to go with them. (Like juggling and handstands)haha But Parker looooooves it lol!

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