Saturday, April 17, 2010

Moving Update

When we made the decision a few months ago to move to Denver & serve in downtown with Providence Bible Church, we decided to start journaling all the ways God provided for us. It started with printing our support letters. We unexpectedly got a HUGE discount at the printer & only had to pay for the paper, envelopes, and postage and were able to have them printed for free.

It's been difficult to find somewhere to live from out of state. But we couldn't justify the cost to travel down to look, so we've been working on that from here using what we could find online. Couple the distance with not having a set income when we're there, and most landlords weren't too excited to give us a second look. We don't have a place 100% nailed down quite yet, but we're in the process of working towards an apartment that's cheaper than anything we've seen & in the most practical location of anything we've seen. It looks really promising & we're hoping to find out for sure on Monday. There were times I wondered if we'd have to settle for something farther away from downtown that we had hoped to be, just because it was all we could afford, but God had something just right waiting for us all along.

And already we have had people let us know that they'll be helping with the monthly support & we are just blown away by not only their generosity, but also the amazing ways God is already meeting our needs! Not only is God blessing our step of faith, but I truly believe He will bless those who have committed to give financial support in their step of faith as well.

Getting out of the comfort zone & taking that leap of faith is a little scary and we sure don't know everything the future holds. I know there will be times of joy and times of discouragement, but it's only when we open ourselves up to what God has for our future and trust in Him to take care of the details that we can truly experience God's provision. That doesn't always mean moving to a new city or undertaking a new ministry - but it does mean moving forward and growing in the Christian life! Whether it's befriending someone you don't know well or committing more time to spend in prayer, God will provide His strength & guidance if you ask Him to.

I hope you'll keep praying for us as we spend our last few weeks in Gillette and prepare for the move. (Please pray we get that apartment I mentioned!) We're already amazed at the ways God has provided and blessed & I can't wait to see what else He has in store!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh I'm praying! And I'm so excited to continue to watch and see how God is leading you and providing for y'all!

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