Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chaos & Mixed Emotions

I'm resigning myself to the fact that until the move (which is in like a week..ahhhh!!!) we'll be living in various stages of chaos.

Not that I'm a neat freak by any means, but visual chaos makes me feel chaotic. We've packed quite a bit, and got rid of a TON at our garage sale last weekend, but it still feels like there is so much.

Between church stuff, Parker, and my school stuff - there's not a ton of time to really dig into an area and get it sorted and packed, but we're making progress a little bit at a time.

The reality that we're leaving is maybe just starting to sink in for the first time for me. I mean, I've known we're leaving, but it never felt real. Tomorrow is our last night of Youth Group with the teens...that's gonna be rough.

As excited as I am to go & start this new phase of our life, mostly it's just hard to say goodbye. These last few days should be interesting...and I don't quite know what to expect, but we are just taking it day by day and looking forward to the future!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Good luck on your move!! It will be fun!

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