Monday, April 5, 2010

Lifestyles of the Young & Cousin-less

This is what Parker got in lieu of an Easter basket from his Nana & Papa....

And he wound up with an Easter basket from them too haha! :)

This is the joyous spoiled little life you lead as an only grandchild! Sheri (aka Nana) asked a few weeks ago if they could buy Parker this slide we'd been talking about getting him, for Easter. She & Earl (aka Papa) had been looking at the Easter stuff at the store & didn't see a ton that was super appropriate for a 17 month old.

So obviously the next option was a climber/slide! Haha - Sheri & I laughed that someday, years down the road, Parker will tell stories to all his cousins about how back in the day he got playground equipment from Nana & Papa for Easter. None of this jellybean business!

I hope I'm not sounding ungrateful or something - that's SO not the case! We really wanted to get this for Parker before summer, but it was going to be a big 'maybe' with the move and all the expenses related to that. So that was a HUGE blessing, plus - Parker LOVES it! We just had to chuckle at the rough life this kid has.

He decided he really likes to take a couple of his little mini Tonka trucks up there and drive them around or sit up there & read too. And he's getting better at climbing up there too. Hopefully he doesn't get too brave with this climbing business though!

And now, here's a little Easter re-cap......

Basket from Mommy & Daddy

Baby Toupee

Basket from Nana & Papa

Open, please.

His one piece of chocolate - definetly a fan!

My favorite!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Ah yes, the woderful life of that first, that "golden child", the center of our universe --They get the most pictures, the most play time, usually the most of everything at least starting out. Well I say let him enjoy it while it lasts. Besides, you know we all enjoy it as much as Parker does --probably more!

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