Thursday, April 1, 2010

Opportunities Dressed as Annoyances

Here's something I struggle with (this seems to be a common phrase in my life!): when I need to do something because someone else who should be doing it, can't or won't for (what I think) is no good reason, it gives me a bad attitude about whatever I'm doing. Does that make sense?
(I know it's wrong, but does it at least make sense? haha)

It's something I'm really working on, and with God's help I've actually gotten alot better with! I've finally realized that God gives us opportunities dressed as all sorts of things to be a blessing to others. And I don't get to choose what my opportunity comes dressed as, but I do get to choose how much joy I receive from fully seizing that opportunity & how much of God's love and glory I share through it.

This week I've had this little song stuck in my head, and it's one of those if you grew up in church you probably know frontwards & backwards. But sometimes when I really stop to think about the words I'm overwhelmed by how undeserving I am of all the patience that I require from my Heavenly Father!

"He's changing me, my blessed Saviour
I'm not the same person that I used to be.
Though it's been slow-goin
There's a knowing,
That someday perfect I will be."

1 comment:

Dad said...

I have learned to look foe the blessing that comes after doing those things, and usually regret the attitude I had as I realize that God had a blessing in store. How much blessing do we miss because of "self attitude"?

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