Sunday, March 14, 2010


It finally worked out for us to take the teens tubing! We've tried a couple times, but there's either been too much snow so we couldn't travel, or not enough snow to be able to do anything. But this time it was perfect! So we loaded up the kids, we ended up with a smallish group (7 kids) and Aaron & Lauren, couple friends from church, came to help too.

You haven't really lived until you've ridden in "the van" with a group of teens. This group was pretty mellow & totally exhausted by the ride home, but it's always an adventure. And if the van doesn't break down, that's such a bonus!

We drove about an hour away up into the mountains a little bit. It was the most gorgeously perfect day, and we were the only ones up there. There was still snow everywhere, but it was really sunny and warm. Perfect for playing outside!

The kids had a blast! Brent and Aaron helped the kids build jumps and "miss the trees." sigh. And me and Lauren lived out our Olympic dreams and were the bobsled pushers. Mostly Lauren and I sat and talked and laughed and gasped as we watched the kids (and our kid-like husbands) play in the snow.

This is Abner, Aaron & Lauren's crazy dog & her giant tree branch she carried around!

I did go down a hill once. It was horrible. I thought I was going to hit a tree so I may have freaked out a little about half way down. I don't know how or when it happened, but I managed to flip out of my tube and, well, basically I won "Best Wipeout" for the day.

And I claimed the only injury for the day as well. It may not look to brutal (and it really wasn't haha) but I had a weird bruised lump on the side of my hand that burned like crazy! All this confirming my notion that snow activities are not my forte.

It was a great day just to be outside and enjoy the mountains. Plus Brent didn't break anything. What more could I ask for?!


Anonymous said...

So jealous now...thanks! {sticking out my tongue at you}

Unknown said...

haha looks fun!

Claire said...

haha! It was pretty fun! Minus almost dying. {possibly being over-dramatic} lol

Mom said...

Considering that you were born and raised a California girl, I think you do very well! (and yes we are very happy you or Brent didn't break anything)

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