Saturday, June 18, 2011

Not Gone!

Seems like when life is the busiest, and you should have the most to talk or write about that's when it's the hardest!

So we're still around :) I have intentions of getting back to posting on the blog more....but we'll see haha. For now, here's some highlights!

- Went new rental hunting. Ugh - not a fun process. But learned alot about God's sovereignty along the way!

- Moved from apartment into house. (With yard!)

- Parker LOVES his new house and yard. 

- Finished babysitting. (Hallelujah! Hallelujah!)

- Brent finished at Starbucks and started his new job. It's busy and has been an adjustment, but he's LOVING it, and doing well.

- Currently 33 weeks pregnant :) Definitely feel like the end is drawing near. So funny how I am NOT rushing time to pass by quickly this time around. 

- Providence is moving to a new location this Sunday. (Manuel  High School) I'm so excited to see how much more space we have!

- With the new move, the kids' classes will shift a little, and Parker will now be in the "2-3" class! :( Sniff. When did he get so big?!

And last but not least, what is a blog update with out a few cute Parker sayings?!

"I sure can!" (Said when he gives himself permission to do something)
"Nest-bird"  (A pile of pillows and blankets that he makes into a bird nest)
"Rabbit-Rabbit!" (What a bunny says)
"Rabbit-Rabbit!" (What a froggy says. Lower pitch than the bunny.)
"Have a great day?" (He asks Brent this when he gets home.)
"I'm big hungry." Or "It's big heavy." (Big = very)

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